To showcase the subtle nuances in coffee, that we as cuppers get to experience and come to love, this month we'll be roasting three different lots from Kieni and sell as a package.
The three lots are from three consecutive weeks, harvested the first three weeks of December last year. The lots are called Lot 15, 16 and 17 as that are the week numbers from beginning of the harvest in Nyeri, which is what the coffee millers in Kenya work with.
Kieni is a cooperative wet mill, or Factory as they prefer to call it in Kenya. There's around 300 members of the mill, where each member is usually a family, growing coffee as one of many crops on their land. The families grow and pick the coffee cherries and bring them to the wet mill. So a wet mill is usually the most defined "producer" of coffee you can find in Kenya beside the (usually very large) privately owned farms.
At Kieni the lots are separated by weeks. So for each week lots you will have different families bringing in cherries and the climate and conditions for the fermentation will change week from week. This leave subtle differences in the week lots, but overall the Kieni mill delivers a very high standard. For us some of the absolutely best coffees we've ever tasted from Kenya.
Our goal with this little package is to allow you as a consumer to taste those differences that all too often is limited to the cupper's table. It's essential that you brew this coffee using accurately filtered or bottled mineral water. Copenhagen tab water will ruin the nuances.
You can read the report from our visit to Kieni earlier this year by clicking here.
The Kieni Week Lots will be available only in our two coffee shops from Wednesday at 17.00, where Casper will be hosting an open cupping of the three lots at Torvehallerne.
Monday, November 28, 2011
3 Weeks From Kieni
Indsendt af
Klaus Thomsen
1 kommentarer
Monday, November 21, 2011
Barista DM Info
Barista i DM Infoaften
Kom og hør lidt om hvad Barista mesterskaberne egentlig går ud på, og hvordan du kan forberede dig på at stille op.
Barista Verdensmester 2006 Klaus Thomsen vil fortælle om konkurrencen og give tips og tricks til hvordan man kan skrue en præsentation sammen. Der vil være rig mulighed for at få besvare spørgsmål og få hjælpe til at finde på signature drink osv.
Arrangementet er åbent for alle baristaer, der kunne ha interesse i DM, og du er også meget velkommen selvom du ikke tænker på at stille op i år.
Det foregår nu på onsdag, d. 23. November 2011 kl. 19.00
The Coffee Collective
Jægersborggade 10
DK-2200 København N
T +45 60 15 15 25
Indsendt af
Klaus Thomsen
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Barista Jam at Torvehallerne
Throwdown at Torvehallerne November 10th
It's time for the first Latte Art Throwdown in Torvehallerne. Come and challenge your colleagues on the infamous Spirit espresso machine. You don't need to be a master of the milk or a barista champion to be in on the fun.
Bring 10 Danish Kroner to enter and the winner takes the pot. Of course anyone is welcome to just come by and look on and cheer for your favourite barista. It's gonna be a cozy evening in any case.
Thursday November 10th 2011 at 20:00
The Coffee Collective Torvehallerne
Vendersgade 6D
1363 København K
Indsendt af
Klaus Thomsen
1 kommentarer